Work Out Exam Stress

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  • Post category:May 2015

It’s exam season in May with Finals, College Exams, SATS and GCSEs all looming.

This can be a stressful time for parents and students alike.

The pressure is on to hit those grades but did you know that your diet and lifestyle can affect your exam performance?
The right nutrition and exercise plans can energize your mind and body to sustain you through the long revision hours – sharpen your memory, improve concentration and boost confidence.

However the wrong dietary choices can potentially put you at a disadvantage.

Food and drink can have a huge effect on your body and mind, choose the wrong meals and you can become sluggish and tired, but if you give your brain the right nutrients, you will be able to think quicker, have a better memory, be better coordinated and have improved concentration.

The key to boosting your brainpower and keeping your brain healthy are nutritious foods, water and oxygen.

Stay Away From Caffeine and Sugar
Drinking energy drinks like Red Bull or high amounts of tea and coffee will give you a short burst of energy but will burn out and give you a sugar crash. For younger students keeping them off the sugary snacks and onto more veg / good quality protein snacks will really help as well.

Keep Your Body Hydrated
Herbal drinks and water hydrate your brain and get it to function at optimum level, delivering nutrients to the brain and eliminating toxins. It is essential for concentration and mental alertness.

Avoid Snacking On Junk Food Or Ordering Takeaways
A lot of students will make this mistake because they dont’ want to spend lots of time on food preparation, but these quick fixes are just short cuts to failure. A long exam is like a mental marathon so endurance is crucial and having the right diet is a no-brainer.

Get a Good Night’s Sleep
Cramming a week’s worth of revision into one night is never a good idea. You’ll get much more benefit from a solid 8 hours sleep. Establish a good pre sleep routine – like an evening dog walk, then a bath, and if possible no blue screen action an hour before you hit the hay.

Exercise, especially of the outdoor variety, can help boost energy levels, clear the mind and relieve stress. Schedule in ‘green breaks’ between study sessions – a cycle ride to a friend’s house, a walk with a family member to a favourite place, or a game of footie in the park.

Also check out my youtube video – 5 Stress Busting Pilates Exercises to Do at Your Desk – to help with stiff neck, shoulders and back.